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Online application for Retail & Office Insurance.

AXA is starting to change their retail and Office insurance's products to suit all kinds of business needs. Their wide coverage goes from property and contractors' all risks, public and special liability to employees' compensation.
The emergence of small business pushed AXA to change their approach on how to make these products easily accessible. Business owners can apply for a retail and office insurance online.

Project Type
UX Consultant
Tools Used

Project's goal & Constraints

Offering a convenient way to let business owners apply for an insurance product online.

Digitalising a heavy manual procedure and simplifying the number of steps for the user was the main concern for this project.

Business Insurance by AXA


As a UX consultant, my task was to help on setting up an efficient process to approach this project and enhance the basic work that have been done.

Here are some of my responsibilities on this project:
- Engage and educate key staff members.
- UX analysis (flows and personas)
- Provide ongoing direction and means to measure the effectiveness of UX.
- Lo-fi prototyping (basic flow and interactions)

The Skateboard Mindset

I really believe that digital products should be built in a way where we give ourselves as designer the time to learn, iterate and test the product.

That's why it is vital to start with the bare minimum and add on it. The Skateboard mindset really convey this approach and was adopted for this project.

The Skateboard Mindset

Initial user-flow

AXA Flow MobileAXA Initial Flow

Onboarding problem

The onboarding steps already presented some issues that can be easily addressed.

One of these issue was that the users were asked to specify their Business Nature before the Eligibility Conditions' screen.
After running quick user tests, I advised the AXA team to start with the Eligibility conditions page then allowing the user to chose her Business Nature. This small change in the user-flow, will ease the experience of potential customers by cutting one step if they are not eligible.

Onboarding screens

Reducing the number of steps

When I started reviewing the user-flow, I've noticed that some steps can be combined together in one step. My assumptions was that the Business Nature page can be combined with the Coverage page, allowing the deduction of one step. User tests confirmed my assumptions, none of the users had problem with this change.

Merging steps flow

UI principles & improvements

Sliders Vs Text Fields

Many sliders have the same problem — it’s impossible to select a precise value using a slider. After few user tests it was clear that without any doubts for precise input, a slider can never beat a regular text input field.

Sliders Vs Text fields image

Replacing Drop-down menus by radio buttons selections

Drop-downs do have their advantages. But for this AXA form, I didn't see the need to use them. This is why:  
• Since the lists of options were relatively short (2-3) items, it made more sense to keep them in front of the user to provide scope and direction rather than hiding them in the drop-down.
• Users get very confused when options come and go, and it is often hard to make a desired option visible when it depends on a selection.

Radio Buttons Image

Progress Tracker

Adding a progress tracker creates a clear path to completion. Studies show that offering users a clear idea of how many steps it takes to get to the final target can significantly reduce abandonment.

Progress Tracker image

The law of proximity

Grouping all the Quotation related information in a box on the right side of the page, was a nice touch that gives a clear summary of the transaction without taking too much attention.

Law of Proximity Image

Want to know more about this project?

If you want to learn more, see more screens or even experience a prototype for this project, please get in touch!

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